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Oriole has a problem. She can't stop eating stallions.

Rarity has a problem. Her new friend can't stop eating stallions.

Twilight Sparkle has a problem. A stallion-eating monster has moved into her town.

Spike's just glad he's not a stallion.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Changeling of the Guard

To live in Everfree Forest requires one to make a lot of sacrifices. Zecora can attest to that; for years the ponies were too frightened of her and her studies to even make contact.

Then again, that's for the best; the forest has never been kind to intruders. One never does know what fate can be levied for not treating it with the respect it demands. Still, she wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

The same can't be said for her newest ward.

More future-sidequel than sequel to Changeling of the Guard, as Idol isn't starring, but something I'm going to work on in tandem with it.

Chapters (2)

Glitter was banished from her hive because she's different: instead of feeding on love, she feeds on anger, fear, and sadness. Ponies are easily fooled and more easily manipulated. Staying undetected and sustaining her dietary needs, she goes through life bringing misery to those around her. All changes though when he turns up, tearing down walls built throughout a lifetime.

Featured on Equestria Daily 27th of August 2015.

Originally written for the The Writeoff Association's June contest "A Matter of Perspective".

Thanks go out to InquisitorM and Fimbulvinter for editing and proofreading help.

Additional Thanks to all the Writeoff Association members who reviewed or commented on the contest version. In no particular order: Titanium Dragon, Baal Bunny, Bad Horse, Bradel, FanOfMostEverything, horizon, Not_A_Hat, PresentPerfect, Thornwing, The Cyan Recluse, The Letter J, BlazzingInferno, bookplayer

Chapters (1)

Did you ever wish your dog or cat could understand you? Chrysalis has. Chrysalis has wished for so long for her changelings to understand anything other than "Bark!", "Hiss!", or "Head to the area exactly 3.7 miles north and 2 miles east of me and attack anypony that moves."

Well, after gathering enough love from Canterlot, she finally got her wish. But these newly awakened intelligences had to come from somewhere.

Cancelled. I'm now working on stuff for money. If you want to take over this fic, please message me with a link to your best work.

An intercultural comedy adventure.

Preread and edited by: Canary In The Coal Mine, LateBronyWriter, 7th Outpost,Todtaure, and
Vibrant Lies

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle gets the chance of researching and questioning the first live specimen of a changeling since the Canterlot invasion three years ago.
Twilight goes in with a scientific mind and wants to figure out everything about these evil bugs, as clearly they have shown themselves to be nothing but cruel in the past. However, in an attempt to find a cruel primitive being, she instead finds something she did not expect.
A teacher.

Story Tags and notes: There is going to be no explicit sex in this story, but gender, sex, and general reproduction will be a subject, as well as love, affection, morality, society and any other subjects that boggles my mind.
This story is something I made out of a combination of my own headcanon for changelings, and with my frustration, yet love, for philosophy, which I study at writing moment at university. This story will have slow updates, but I will work on it. This is as much a work for me, as it is for you.
I hope you´ll enjoy.

Chapters (3)

Equestria is still picking up the pieces after the defeat of Tirek, and everypony is helping out with the paperwork, even Rainbow Dash. Things change when Princess Celestia arrives, bringing with her a letter with some very stunning accusations of the exploits of a resident in the town of Oasis. Now, the main six are tasked with finding out if the letter was truth or fiction. Did this Mister Baker really do what they claim? Only one way to find out.

However, Mister Baker is not who, or what they expected.

Rated Teen for occasional language. Additional tags added for more dark themes.

Proof read and edited by the amazing SunnyPack , Snakeskin Ducktape, and Tyrannosaurus Tux.

Chapters (12)

Lickety-Split has sold out Ponyville to an evil frost fiend for the secret of delicious ice-cream and is about to bring about a frosty apocalypse. This can only mean one thing: It's Saturday, and there's only 22 1/2 minutes to save the world!

Only... Lyra's been having a dream. The same dream, again and again all of her life. There's something coming. Something terrible coming from out of the darkness, and it is going to destroy everything. Princess Luna seems very unwilling to do anything about it. Lyra's on her own.

It's Ponyville. Nothing bad ever happens in Ponyville.

But there is an old story. Perhaps the oldest story ever told. Even in Arcadia, there am I.

Entry for the More Most Dangerous Game thing.

Chapters (1)

A priceless artifact, once possessed by an ancient tribe's chief for purposes unknown, located in what's considered some of the world's harshest terrain, rumored to possess a dark magic with special properties. It goes without saying that Daring Do will cross Death's playground to retrieve it, and it also goes without saying that A.K. Yearling will write about the adventure in a book, even while struggling to make sense of some new found feelings for the adventurer.

Edited & Pre-read by: PresentPerfect

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

Hidden Fortune and her sister grew up in the Wasteland, learning its dangers and doing their best to stay out of sight and out of mind of the larger world. During a treasure hunt they discover a Stable, and a chance encounter changes their world. Now the sisters must travel out of their element, learn how to survive all over again, and hopefully, discover the one true treasure of the Wasteland.

Cover art by Jordo76.

Chapters (26)

Twilight was doing the best she could to become a princess of which everypony could be proud. With only a few teensy little bouts of self-doubt, she was hitting the books like a pro, learning the ropes from the elder princesses, and easing into the job at a cautious, steady pace. Steady, that is, until a certain power-obsessed centaur threw all of her timetables and checklists into the air – along with most of her house.

So with T-wreck now back in the slammer, all she and Spike have to do is get used to living in a new house castle as well as cope with changed circumstances, responsibilities and expectations. Easy-peasy, right?

The events of this story happen in parallel to and intersect with events in Outland, although each story can be read independently.

Chapters (6)